Donāt ignore a shuffling walk in seniors
You might notice that your older adult shuffles or drags their feet when they walk.Ā
And even if you constantly remind them, theyāre still not picking up their feet when walking. In fact, they may not even notice that theyāre doing it.
So why do seniors shuffle when they walk? The short answer is that theyāre not doing it on purpose.
When someone starts shuffling when they walk, something is causing that to happen. To help your older adult walk more safely, the first step is to find the cause.
We share the 10 top reasons why seniors shuffle when they walk, explain why shuffling significantly increases fall risk, and suggest what to do if your older adult has a shuffling walk.
10 top reasons why seniors shuffle when they walk
- Weak hips and leg muscles
- Arthritis pain in joints
- Loss of flexibility in feet making it hard to flex them normally
- Decreased ability to maintain balance
- Decreased vision making it hard to see
- Fear because of a recent stumble or fall
- Slow reaction time when unbalanced which increases fear of falling
- Medication side effects
- Worn or poorly-fitting shoes or slippers
- Slippery floors
A shuffling walk increases senior fall risk
It might seem like not picking up feet when walking isnāt that important.
But if someone is shuffling, dragging, or generally not lifting their feet off the ground when walking, theyāre at a much greater risk of falling.
Shuffling is a common cause of falls because sliding feet can more easily trip on rugs, door thresholds, or even slightly uneven surfaces.Ā
And seniors who shuffle when they walk are more likely to stumble because their shoes can catch on the ground.Ā
Plus, the narrow stance of shuffling feet makes someone more unbalanced than if they had a regular walking stance.
What to do about an older adultās shuffling walk
An unsteady gait or shuffling walk could be caused by something as simple as slippery floors or as serious as dementia or Parkinsonās disease.
So if your older adult has started shuffling their feet when walking, itās important to schedule an appointment with their doctor to find out whatās causing it.
To prepare for the doctorās appointment, check to see if any of these top 10 reasons could be causing them to shuffle their feet.
Unless the reason is obvious and easily corrected, like replacing a too-old pair of shoes that are loose, it’s best to have the doctor do a thorough check-up.
That will help them identify the cause of the shuffling behavior. Once the reason is known, the doctor can make recommendations for how to improve the situation.
Next StepĀ Ā Try gentle exercises that increase flexibility and improve balance
Recommended for you:
- Sit to Stand Exercise: The Best Way to Improve Senior Mobility
- Reduce Falls with 2 Useful At-Home Balance Exercises for Seniors
- Head to Toe Gentle Seated Chair Exercises for Seniors Improve Range of Motion
By DailyCaring Editorial Team
I’m am very concerned about myself. Last year, during COVID, I managed to not get it but my close friend did. She lives in my apartment complex. I’m 64/65, she’s in her early/mid-40s. She thankfully recovered, and I noticed myself feeling upon waking that I had been in a car wreck. Knees hurt, right hip hurt, and this is more than my every-day normal aches and pains. I’m faced with degeneration in both knees and right hip is bone on bone. My legs are becoming weaker. I noticing I can do less and less. It was tough finding a doctor due to Covid, but I’ve seen my PCP and 1 orthopedist who gave me cortisone shots for my knees, which helped about 2 months relief, but now I’m uninsured and waiting for Sept. 1st when Medicare will be covering me. I’m severely depressed as I can’t do things around my apartment without sitting. If I want to make a huge salad for the week, I have to pull a chair into my kitchen. I have bought a cane and a walker and am contemplating a wheelchair. My friend wants to take me out to eat Saturday, and I’m stressing about that because I am so embarrassed with the way I walk. Lately I’ve been noticing my carpet near the metal where the carpet stops and linoleum starts is coming up. I have little loops of carpet everywhere. I put 2 and 2 together and realized I’m shuffling when I walk. I have no strength in my legs. The only time I’m pain free is when I’m sitting and I’m afraid that is what got me in this delimma. It’s like osteoarthritis came on fast with me and now my lower back too. I’m overweight, at 5 feet 7 inches, I weigh 300 pounds. I feel like my life is over, and really, if it weren’t for my cat that I love dearly, I’d be wanting to check out. Doctor pulled me off anti-inflammatory meloxicam because it was affecting my kidneys so I’m worried about them too. The only thing I can take is Tylenol which really does nothing, and I have a prescription for Ultram which really does nothing either. I’m beside myself. I have worked at home the past 25 years as a medical transcriptionist and at least I can still do that, although it’s hard a lot of mornings to even get out of bed, and I’m so slow getting around. Still I try my best to make some extra $$ to supplement my retirement. I just hope this doctor I’m seeing next month on the 2nd can help me. They have radiology, physical therapy, and pain management in their practice, so it’s gotta be a win-win situation for me. I’m too young to be feeling this bad. I’m afraid of falling. Getting in the tub to get a shower is scary for me.
We’re so sorry to hear about your situation. It’s good that you’ll soon be able to see doctors who will hopefully be able to find you some relief and treatment to improve your conditions and reduce the pain. You may also want to ask them if they can “prescribe” physical therapy so it could be covered by insurance (check with your insurance company to see if this is possible).
These articles may have suggestions that will help:
– 8 Tips for Arthritis Pain Relief
– 10 Simple Arthritis Aids Help Seniors with Everyday Tasks
– 3 Hip Arthritis Exercises for Relieving Chronic Pain
– #9 is a shower bench that might be helpful – 10 Helpful Products Improve Bathroom Safety for Seniors
Carol F
I feel overwhelmed in the way you can or need to get to any helpful idea’s. The information starts with “click on subjects” but I feel I never get, like just one or two suggestions, but instead I feel I could spend all day I never quite sure just which one might help.
Maybe start with one thing and suggest trying this out and see if it might work. By the time I start with this page and click and then click again, etc etc. I have lost interest and just end the whole looking and reading. To much INFORMATION TO ABSORB!!!
You might find it helpful to hire a geriatric care manager who could answer specific questions and help you focus only on what you need to know. Find out how to find one at A Geriatric Care Manager Helps Seniors and Families Navigate the System
Bobbie Sena
I am 87, healthy and strong mentally and physically, med free, pain free, and able to walk briskly with no shuffling.I have had friends my age and younger who shuffle somewhat because of just being super careful not to trip or fall.Bad vision and a loss of strength were the reasons. Their shuffling was a logical result of those problems.i cannot se any reason why theircareful and slow gait could harm them. It seems that actually it would help them to avoid injury.To be sure, the shuffling might be a sign of a disease in some people. However, I do not see why shuffling could be in itself harmful.
It’s great that you’re in such good health. In the article above, we address why walking with a shuffling gait increases fall risk and the main causes, some of which are signs of a health condition that requires treatment.
Hydrocephalus or “Water on the Brain” could be an issue. Feet shuffling is a symptoms.
That’s a great point. One of the symptoms of hydrocephalus in older adults is difficulty walking, shuffling or feet feeling like they’re stuck. More info here –
Albert godfrey
The above infomation has been very helpfull i saw 2 specilists in the old mans Clinic at the Q M C 2 years ago they ruled out Parkinson dementure i also had a Head scan do you think a couse of ACUPUNCTRE WILLhelp
If you’re having symptoms of a serious health condition, it’s important to speak with a licensed medical professional to find out what could be causing the issues. They would be the best people to ask if certain therapies would be helpful or not.
Brenda Anderson
I agree with that.
Dovebyrd Volare
I am 101 and can still walk without the aid of a cane or walker.Slowly and for short distances around the house,etc.I do not need a wheelchair and when I go out,my son helps me and holds my arm. I can climb up stairs,too….but not too many.Hey,at 101 I am not complaining !
That’s fantastic!!
Richard Harry Ginsburg
I am a 59 yr old male.I have Parkinson disease. When I walk I shuffle my feet and have a tenacity to fall. What type of exercises can I do to straighten my leg muscles. I will be starting school in a few weeks and do not want to fall while going from class to class
Since you have Parkinsons, it would be best to speak with your doctor and/or a physical therapist to find out which exercises are appropriate for your health conditions and current physical abilities.
We’re not medical professionals, so we can’t recommend specific exercises and don’t know how exercise will affect your balance and stability. However, using your own best judgement, you may find that gentle exercise can help you improve overall strength and balance. Please use caution when exercising to avoid injury.
You might find these articles with exercise suggestions to be helpful:
— Seated Tai Chi for Seniors: 3 Simple Routines Improve Flexibility and Well-being [Video]
— Head to Toe Gentle Seated Chair Exercises for Seniors Improve Range of Motion [Video]
— Easy & Effective 10 Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors
It’s late 2018 but I just wanted to comment that you can suggest the senior person in your life wear wrist supports (the one that contain a rigid insert) and elbow pads and/or knee pads, when about and/or moving around, it helps if the person falls, but is not a save-all or guarantee. The older a person gets the more awareness they need to be more careful, to slow down and not-as-fast when moving around.
That’s an interesting idea that some people may want to consider. Thank you for sharing!
carlotta gladding
My 99 year old mom shuffles and I’ve had a hard time finding slippers that aren’t too grabby on her wooden floors. I’m afraid if the shoes are too grabby she will get stopped in her tracks. Any suggestions?
That’s a great question, I completely understand what you mean about not being too sticky. That could increase the risk of tripping and falling. You might want to check out some of these adaptive shoes and slippers to see if one of them could be right for her. It might take a little bit of experimentation —
Art Rod
Thank you Daily Caring for providing feed back. Enjoy reading your articles!
Thank you Art! So glad our articles are helpful š
angela valdez
My dad 82 has been in perfect health doing activities and work like a 53 year old, yet 4 months ago he went to the hospital not feeling well and was told he had an a slight amonia and his heart beat was irregular so they put him on blood thinner paradaxal, a few weeks after this he started shuffling his feet and his health has changed drastically. He’s gone to the doctor and was told he may have parkinsons yet he has had a cat scan and a MRI in which he was told he did not have parkinsons or dimentia, nothing changed just got worse. After seeing another doctor he was told parkinsons is hard to detect and the on ly way to know is to go on the medication and if you get better then you know you have it, he has been taking parkinsons medication for over three weeks now and has not gotten better, he struggles to walk is weak and is now using a cane, he has stepped down from positions hes done for 30 years plus, moms in tears daily cuz we dont know what happend so guickly and hes at the doctors again today hoping to get an answer. Family just wants to know whats going on with our superman.
I’m so sorry this is happening! We are not doctors here and don’t provide medical advice, but it seems suspicious that these problems developed so soon after he started the blood thinner and that things are getting worse with the addition of the Parkinson’s medication. Could some of these symptoms be caused by side effects from the new medication? I’m not saying that he shouldn’t be on a blood thinner, but it would be good to speak with the doctor about the possibility that there are negative side effects and maybe trying a different drug. Also, a complete medication review should be done, including any supplements or vitamins your dad has been taken. IMPORTANT: Do not make any changes to his medications before speaking with his doctor — some medications must be tapered down for safety.
Parkinson’s usually develops slowly over time. Unless your dad has had some evidence of symptoms in the past, it seems odd that sudden symptoms would be diagnosed as Parkinson’s. To diagnose Parkinson’s, here is info from the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation:
If a geriatrician (geriatrics doctor) is available in your area, it may be a good idea to try to see one for a second opinion. They have greater training and experience in issues that are common in older adults. More info on them here —
Even if you don’t have a geriatrician in the area, you may want to get a referral to a doctor with more experience with older adults and get a second opinion.
These articles may also be helpful to understanding serious medication side effects:
— Older bodies are more sensitive to medications, these should be used with caution
— Medications can cause serious side effects, including Parkinsons’s-like symptoms
— The danger of adding medication on top of medication to solve problems that previous medications have caused
— How to check for drug interactions
get him off of those meds and he will probably return to normal
That’s definitely a possibility to discuss with the doctor.
My Mother did the shuffle. She had an infection (UTI). And she had electrolytes issues/imbalance. when that was fixed, she walked ok. I was told it was Parkinson. She got rigid muscles. She passed this pass Jan. She was 92. Had autopsy. Report said no Parkinson, no Alzheimer’s. So shuffle was caused by the infection. She had imbalances. Was very thin. Her whole life, 92 yrs. Not lazy. Could be from deficiency from Vitamins (Vitamin D), etc. Have all nutrients checked. Go to Dr. that will do this. Keep her moving, circulation. Age 45 is young.
I’m so sorry for your loss š
Hi I’m a 15 year old girl who lives with her mum and dad
my mum has ms and my dad has high blood pressure
howevermy mum shuffles her feet along and doesn’t pick them up causing her to break things in doing so it is only in particular rooms of the house on a non slip wooden floor with no clutter everywhere else in the house she walks normally
me and my dad have told her millions of times to pick them up but she flat out ignores us
she has multiple sclerosis and this is not causing it so me and my dad have put it down to laziness as when asked to pick her feet up she groans saying “it’s too hard” when it’s not so this may be another reason.
my mum is nearly 45 so in the young age so this may be one to add shuffling is also mostly caused by laziness
I’m sorry to hear about your parents’ health issues. Multiple sclerosis can cause symptoms including muscle stiffness or spasms, vision problems, and unsteady gait. It’s possible that some combination of the texture or appearance of the floors in those particular rooms are making it difficult for your mom to walk without shuffling. Her doctor or physical therapist are the best people to figure out the cause and find a way for her to walk more safely.
I teach seniors, from 55 on up, and some classes that are strictly for elder seniors. One thing that I’ve had success with, for multiple people, is yoga for seniors. Specifically when I teach, I constantly remind the class to roll the feet when they walk. Act like they are peeling the foot off of the floor, like a piece of tape. I also encourage lifting the foot clear off the floor. This is a class with chairs at hand for balance when first trying this. Having a stabilizer nearby adds confidence. I agree with the article about checking out reason why too, as the seniors I teach see their doctors regularly.
Connie Chow
Thank you for sharing this tip Allene! Yoga is wonderful for both flexibility and strength. It’s great that you provide such a wonderful, health-supporting activity for older adults.
Joseph Dabon
Hi! First time I heard of “shuffling feet.” Isn’t this the same as “dragging or sliding on’es feet?”
At any rate, I don’t shuffle so I guess the title was too sweeping. I do take careful step because a sudden turn or pivot will twist my knees and they hurt like hell.
There was a time that I could stand on a dime, now I couldn’t keep my balance with one leg.
Nice article though.
Connie Chow
So glad you found the article helpful!
Phil 53
My dad’s 93 and he shuffles also he never fell and physical therapy hasn’t help as of yet what else can I do.
Connie Chow
It’s great that your dad hasn’t fallen yet and you’re smart to address the shuffling before it makes it more difficult to keep his balance. In this case, physical therapy is often the best way to figure out what’s causing the shuffling and which exercises will be best. You may want to speak with his doctor to see if he’d be willing to write a physician’s order for physical therapy — that way it can be covered by Medicare.
We also have a couple of good videos to help older adults build strength and maintain balance. Chair exercises are safe and are still effective at improving balance and strength —
Here’s a standing exercise routine that uses a sturdy chair or counter for support —
frederick k pierce
i am a senior who shuffles i had a recent fall i noticed that i was shuffling also have diabetic neuropathy i try to lift feet when i notice it.I think I shuffle because it makes me feel more secure.I tend to loose balance off and on .
Connie Chow
Hi Frederick, I’m so sorry to hear that you fell! I hope you had a speedy recovery. It sounds like it might be good to speak with your doctor to see if your diabetic neuropathy symptoms could be reduced. And they may be able to prescribe some physical therapy sessions to help you increase your balance and decrease the tendency to shuffle. Best, Connie
Another common cause is decreased sensation from diabetic neuropathy or other causes. The person can’t feel the floor as well and feels more secure with increased contact and pressure.
Connie Chow
Thank you! That’s a great additional cause of senior shuffling for caregivers to be aware of.