These Funny Dementia Stories Had Us Laughing Out Loud

Humor helps caregivers cope with the tough emotions that come with Alzheimer’s or dementia care

See the humor in silly situations

Taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia means that you see and hear a lot of crazy things.

Sometimes the situation turns into something absolutely hilarious. When that happens, you can’t help but laugh.

We explain why laughter is helpful in caregiving, why finding the humor in a situation isn’t mean or disrespectful, and share funny stories from dementia caregivers.


Laughter helps dementia caregivers cope

Humor is a great way to release stress and tension. 

It also helps you cope with difficult emotions that come up when caring for someone with dementia. 

Besides, don’t you always feel better after a good laugh?


You’re not laughing to be mean or disrespectful

Laughing at something funny your older adult says or does doesn’t make you a bad person.

You’re not laughing at them or being mean-spirited, you’re laughing at a silly situation. And don’t be surprised if they end up laughing even louder than you!

Plus, humor is great for relieving tension in awkward situations. 

For example, making a lighthearted comment when you’re helping someone with a personal task can help them feel less self-conscious.


Hear funny dementia stories from fellow caregivers

Only people who have been caregivers can fully appreciate this kind of humor.

For a hearty therapeutic laugh, check out these articles with funny stories from Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers:


These 6 dementia stories made us laugh out loud

1. Hey sailor 😉
“While working at an adult day care center for dementia patients, I attended to a female 90+ years old woman who was barely coherent. At one point, I was looking at her, thinking, ‘Are you still in there?’ She looked back at me, smiled, and said, ‘You like what you see, sailor?’”
– from Happy Hospitalist, in comments

2. Major weight loss
“Yesterday, I came home from work and Mom came out to the kitchen to greet me. I said, ‘Mom, you have on my sweatpants!’ We each have a pair of the same soft, comfy green sweats, but hers are a size 14 and mine are a few sizes bigger. She said, ‘I thought I had lost a lot of weight!’ Then she pulled up her shirt to show me that she had pinned the pants to her bra to keep them up! We had a good laugh!”
– from AgingCare

3. Sham dirt!
“Mom was rifling around in her closet one day and I asked her what she was doing. Exasperated, she said ‘I’m trying to find my sham dirt!’ It took me a minute to figure out that she meant to say ‘damn shirt’. When she saw my puzzled look she started laughing.”
– from Easy Living

4. Who’s on First?
“My DH is a pastor and even though he struggles with AD, a small local parish likes to have him come and do ‘supply work’ a couple Sundays a month. The thing is, the parish is made up of about two dozen very elderly parishioners, many of whom have memory issues. It is a great fit because they introduce themselves to my husband every few weeks, he forgets who they are by the next time he is there, but it doesn’t matter because they have forgotten they introduced themselves! I stand there sometimes and feel like I am in the old ‘Whose on First’ comedy routine! It’s a match made in heaven :)”
– from The Alzheimer’s Spouse

5. Memory issues
“One day early in my wife’s battle with Alzheimer’s I made a statement about not remembering where I put something. She looked at me and asked if I needed one of her pills.”
– from Caregiver Stress

6. No kangaroos here!
“Little man sitting at bedside with towel folded square on top of head. When I asked why, he stated it was to keep the kangaroos away. I asked how it was working and he said he hadn’t seen one yet. We’re in Georgia. There’s no high population of kangaroos at our facility to begin with.”
– from Happy Hospitalist


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By DailyCaring Editorial Team


  • Reply January 21, 2024


    My step father had dementia. While he was in care i read the novel Homing by Marc Luc Carrier about the adventures and misadventure of a son and estranged dementia afflicted father on a road trip from Florida to Montreal. Humour is used as a coping mechanism as the antihero faces the absurdities of the circumstances. It was a fast paced easy read that made me laugh during a difficult time.

    • Reply January 21, 2024


      Thanks for the suggestion! This sounds like a great book to bring some lightness to a challenging situation.

  • Reply April 15, 2021


    My dad has AD and I’ve been living in his home with him for 3 years as his caretaker. The other day, he wanted to call his brother, so I told him to grab his cell phone and I’d dial it for him. He returned a few moments later, handed me a chocolate chip cookie, and asked me to dial it. When I said, “Oh, dad, this isn’t your phone”, he reached onto the table and handed me a newspaper to dial instead.

    • Reply April 15, 2021


      Thanks for sharing your story! Your dad sounds like a wonderful person 💜

  • Reply December 12, 2020


    We were at the bank drive-thru. Dear One wanted some cash. “How much would you like?” I asked. “Six thousand dollars,” came the reply. “That’s a lot of cash to be carrying around,” I said. “What exactly do you plan to do with that six thousand dollars?” “Obviously,” he answered, “I plan to put it in the bank.”

    • Reply December 13, 2020


      Thank you for sharing this sweet story 🙂

  • Reply December 11, 2020

    Sylvia Follis

    My husband has had dementia at least 8 years. When I finally realized it was ok to laugh at the funny things that happen, I felt a load had been lifted. One of the funny things happened after he had had a Basel cell removed from his head. He had about6 or 8 stitches. He had been picking at the spot and I had constantly reminded him to leave it alone. From another room I heard him saying, “Ouch, ouch.” I checked and he was pulling at the stitches. When we returned to the doctor to have the stitches removed, there was only one left.

    • Reply December 11, 2020


      Thank you for sharing! It’s wonderful that you’re feeling lighter and able to laugh when a humorous moment presents itself 💜🙂

  • Reply August 18, 2018

    Jaclyn Douglas

    Our Mom called our brother to ask if he’d bern over. When he sai no, why, she said she thought he had been because there was a pair of black socks on het coffer table.

    • Reply August 19, 2018


      Thank you for sharing! How funny that the socks immediately reminded her of your brother 🙂

  • Reply November 6, 2017

    Sonia Beldom

    Hello – I absolutely LOVE this article. As a daughter with a mum going through dementia, our coping mechanism is to laugh at things all the time – it’s when Mum really lights up and when she’s happy, she tends to focus better rather than letting the dementia take hold and worry her. She’s aware of it, but doesn’t take it too seriously. I’ve started a blog about her and our relationship from first memories on my part of her odd behaviour and right up to today now that she’s safely cared for in a wonderful home in Bognor Regis, on the South Coast of England. I’d love to know if you think these stories could be a support to others.

    • Reply November 6, 2017


      It’s wonderful that you laugh so much with your mom, especially to take her mind off of things 🙂 Fantastic blog — it’s a great way to share your stories with the caregiving community!

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