5 Important Legal Documents for Caregivers

legal documents for caregivers

Getting the legal stuff done now benefits everyone

One day, your older adult wonā€™t be able to manage their own legal matters and will rely on you to act in their best interests.

Planning ahead and getting the legal stuff squared away before a crisis allows your older adult and your family to stay in control of critical decisions.

The downside to not having proper legal paperwork in place is being forced to allow lawyers and courts to get involved in family matters.


Legal basics for caregivers

Thereā€™s a lot for caregivers to manage, so weā€™ve narrowed the list to the 5 most important legal documents.

This list doesnā€™t cover every situation and shouldnā€™t be considered legal advice, but it will help you cover the basics.

1. Power of attorney (POA)

2. Durable power of attorney for health care (also known as a health care proxy)

3. Living will or advance directive

4. Living trust

  • This allows your older adult (the grantor) to create a trust and appoint someone (a trustee) to manage the trust assets when they arenā€™t able to manage their finances.
  • A person or a financial institution can be the trustee.

5. Will

  • Your older adultā€™s will names an executor and beneficiaries.
  • The executor is the person who will manage your older adultā€™s estate at the time of death.
  • Beneficiaries will receive the estate at the time of death.

What happens if you donā€™t plan ahead

If no planning is done before your older adult becomes incapacitated, family members must ask a court to appoint a conservator or guardian.

A conservatorship can be difficult for families because almost every action or decision on behalf of your older adult must be court supervised and approved.


HowĀ to get started with legal documents

For legal matters, hiring a elder law attorney is always recommended. Itā€™s also smart to do your own research so you understand whatā€™s happening.

In addition, you can usually seek advice on legal issues from social workers or clergy, free of charge.


Next StepĀ Ā Learn more about each of these 5 important legal documents at Nolo


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By DailyCaring Editorial Team
Image: Seidler Senior Moving Service


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  • Reply April 5, 2024

    Phyllis Denison

    I am a Notary Public in Tucson, AZ. If the loved one already has dementia, it is too late for them to be able to answer the Notary’s questions and for them to be able to appoint a person to hold the POAs. That is when an Elder Law attorney is need to establish guardianship.
    You also need a back up person as a POA plus you need beneficiaries.
    In addition to the 2 POAs, the article lists, you also need a Mental Health POA.
    More than once I was called to a facility by a panicked family with a loved one who was not able to answer the questions!
    My job is to establish the identity of the signer, establish that he or she understands what a POA is and what the person they have selected will do for them and that they are signing of their own free will and not under duress. I often asked the family members to l eave the room in order for the signer to be able to tell me the truth.
    One time, the husband was unresponsive and the wife was in tears on the phone with Wells Fargo. The bank rep she was speaking too told her to tell me to let her sign her husbands name to the titles and bank documents and for me to notarize that signature. Of course, I refused. Found out a month later that a male Notary in our area came, charging her an additional $65 which is illegal, and did what the bank asked! Completely illegal.

    • Reply April 5, 2024


      Thanks for sharing how things work when notarized signatures are needed. It’s helpful to know that it needs to be done as early as possible, while the person can still make decisions for themselves, or there needs to be another POA available.

  • […] needs help from from an attorney, there are requirements that should be accomplished. First, the essential legal documents that would be helpful in finding the best and most convenient care for the senior that would give […]

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