Free Tax Preparation Help for Seniors From the IRS

Find IRS free tax preparation for seniors near me
Date published: 2024-3-6

Tax time is here again

Make tax time easier for yourself and your older adult by getting free help from tax experts.

Many older adults have pensions, pre-death life insurance benefits, IRA or 401K savings, or other financial assets.

This can make preparing and filing their taxes more complicated.

To make it easier to do their taxes, you may want to consider getting expert help from an IRS-sponsored tax center at no charge.

We found two IRS-sponsored programs that offer no-cost tax help, show how to find a location near you, and recommend three important things to do before visiting one of these tax centers.


2 programs provide free, expert tax preparation help for seniors

The IRS’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs provide free basic tax return preparation to those who qualify.

These two free IRS programs are great places to get qualified tax help at no charge.

The IRS-certified volunteers who provide tax counseling are often retired individuals associated with non-profit organizations that receive grants from the IRS.

VITA and TCE sites are usually located at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations.

1. Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) program
The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) program offers free tax help for all taxpayers, especially those 60 years or older.

They specialize in answering questions about pensions and retirement-related issues that are common among seniors.

Find a TCE site here Ā»

Note: A majority of the TCE sites are operated by the AARP Foundation’s Tax Aide program. Between January and April, locate the nearest AARP TCE Tax-Aide site here.

2. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $56,000 or less, persons with disabilities, and limited English speaking taxpayers.

For those that qualify, IRS-certified volunteers help with basic income tax return preparation and electronic filing.

Find a VITA site here Ā»


Are the IRS-certified volunteers knowledgeable andĀ  trustworthy?

All VITA/TCE volunteers who prepare returns must take and pass tax law training that meets or exceeds IRS standards.

This includes training on maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all taxpayer information.

In addition, the IRS requires a quality review check for every return prepared at a VITA/TCE site before the return is filed.


3 things to do before visiting a TCE or VITA tax help center

1. Make sure the services you need are offered by TCE or VITA
Before considering getting help from TCE or VITA, check here to make sure the services you need are offered.

And after entering your zip code in the IRS locator, youā€™ll be able to see information about nearby locations and important details like what languages are offered and whether or not youā€™ll need to make an appointment.

2. Call ahead to make sure volunteers are available to provide needed services at that location
Call ahead to make sure the local VITA or TCE center has available volunteers that can provide the specific services needed for your older adultā€™s tax situation.

Because each location depends on volunteer expertise, they canā€™t guarantee having every service at every location and time slot.

3. Bring all necessary documents
Review the information on the IRSā€™ What to Bring page to make sure you have all the required documents and information.

The volunteers will need all this info in order to help your older adult with their taxes.


Next StepĀ Ā Find a local IRS-sponsored TCE or VITA free tax help center


Recommended for you:


By DailyCaring Editorial Team


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  • Reply November 16, 2021

    Audrey m. Pustelnik

    I am 79 years old and want to receive the balance on my IRA of [redacted] on a traditional IRA. I don’t think I paid the interest on my mandatory distribution payouts. I would like that checked out and made right. I don’t know what interest rate to use. I live on Social Security alone, no other income. my income from SS is [redacted]. I need help getting this taken care of.

    • Reply November 16, 2021


      We’re not financial professionals so we can’t provide any advice on this. You might want to speak with a financial advisor to find out more.

  • Reply January 5, 2021

    caroly perez

    Trying to locate free tax help for this year (it’s Jan 2021) for my 89yr old grandmother in Oklahoma.

    • Reply January 6, 2021


      Use the links in the article above to find tax help centers in your grandmother’s local area. Be sure to call ahead to find out about hours and services offered since they vary by location.

  • Reply June 26, 2020

    John Steinsiek

    How much can I use as standard deduction on 1040 R . I am filing as married ,over 65 ,both.

    • Reply June 27, 2020


      Weā€™re not tax professionals, so it would be best to contact a tax advisor to get an answer for your specific situation. The links above should help you find a tax professional who can help.

  • Reply March 26, 2020

    Peggy kraan

    We had an appointment to get our taxes done but cause of the virus they canceled. We get our property taxes froze but you have to have income tax done first. Can we still have our property taxes frozen since we canā€™t get our taxes done yet?

  • Reply March 15, 2019

    Dan Ziegler

    I used to report distributions of income from my family trust on Schedule B of Form 1040, but now there is no Schedule B that I can fin in the new list of IRS 1040 Forms Can you get me to a Schedule B? If not, what form do I use now for this income?

    • Reply March 28, 2019


      We’re not tax professionals, so it would be best to contact a tax advisor to get an answer for your specific situation. The links above should help you find a tax professional who can help.

  • Reply February 1, 2019

    Sophia Irving

    I received Social security disability and for recreation visit casinos in Louisiana. Can I file my win/loss statements for 2017 and 2018 at any of these places?

    • Reply February 1, 2019


      We’re not tax professionals, so it would be best to contact a tax advisor to get an answer for your specific situation. The links above should help you find a tax professional who can help.

  • Reply January 28, 2019

    Debra Fontenot

    Why do seniors have to file tax returns when all they receive is Social Security, a little retirement check with a small savings account. When we do file we pay nothing and receive nothing.

    • Reply January 28, 2019


      The IRS states “Depending on your filing status and the amount of income you made during the year, you may not be required by law to file a return with the IRS. However, even if you do not have to file, it may still be in your best interest to submit a tax return.” Here are the guidelines from the IRS on how to determine whether or not to file a tax return —

  • Reply April 4, 2018

    Maurice B. Lampl II

    I went out yesterday to Holy Apostles Church (one of the listed sites for free tax preparation services) and found NO ONE there. So I went on to Senior Center on Hancock and was told that I had to have an appointment and they were all FULL UP. The receptionist there gave me forms and places to go and I gave up for the day. I am deaf 82 year old fart on Social Security and do NOT feel like I’m respected!!! Why is it so difficult to get free tax services? I’m gonna have to go online and pay $$$ (can’t afford it) for my tax preparation and I pay NO taxes nor do I get any refund….

    • Reply April 4, 2018


      I’m so sorry this happened. They do ask people to call first because availability and services at each location will depend on the availability of volunteers. Perhaps on another day you’ll have a chance to call some of the other places on the list that you received from the Senior Center and will be able to find free tax help from another organization.

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